Monday, November 11, 2013

lists on lists

A list!

1. I need a new black cardigan. This one from Old Navy was originally like...$15, and while it's held up fine over the last two years, it is starting to pill and fall apart. I don't really like the way it sits anyway, so I think it's time to maybe buy up just a little bit. Anyone have a go-to for cardigans? I don't really like the J.Crew versions (they look too short and I want a v-neck) but this one from Banana Republic is actually really cute and has just enough going on to not be boring, but would be really versatile.  

2. I still need to find a winter jacket. I kinda donated most of my old coats before I moved, so all I really have is my trench coat or my giant North Face. I need something as an in between that I can use for most normal school days. I ordered this one from Zara but it's just a little bit too much. This one from Target looks like a toned down version for a third of the price so I may order a few just to test out.

3. Only two days of biochem left! Want to know what cramming 800 pages of biochem into your head in two weeks feels like? Awful. It feels like awful.

4. Shout-out to Percy's sister! Her brother, a kid in my class, came up to me the other day after school to tell me that his sister reads my blog. Did I want to die a little bit inside? Yes. But it was also very sweet :)

5. The Jeweler's Wife sent me these beautiful Swarovski earrings to test out. Aren't they beautiful? They are currently running a giveaway over on Jess's blog so make sure you enter!

Shirt: Francesca's
Cardigan: Old Navy
Pants: The Limited [exact]
Earrings: Swarovski c/o The Jeweler's Wife [exact]
Shoes: Tory Burch [exact]