We're coming in on 15 days of school left....FIFTEEN DAYS. When did this happen?! Unfortunately there's a lot of testing and learning left to cram into these last two weeks.
Today we have our last History & Physical practical for the year - we have to preform a full physical exam on a standardized patient. I wish I could just wear what I'm wearing above, but the exam involves a lot of bending below the patient and standing right in front of their faces, so I have to minimize any risk of showing cleavage by wearing a button-up with a high collared sweater over it. I made the mistake of wearing just a button up for the first practical of last semester, and promptly was informed that cleavage is unprofessional. Yikes :/ Every day is a learning experience around here!

Skirt: The Limited [exact on sale for more than 50% off]
Cardigan: J.Crew Factory [exact]
Belt: Gap [similar style]
Shoes: Banana Republic [exact]
Necklace: c/o 9th & Elm [exact]
via instagram