Tuesday, June 20, 2017

house plans: the bedroom

hi guys!

is this the worst style blog of all time?


Anyway, not much going on here besides house things all day, every day. A lot of people have commented that we are really banging out the projects, and to be honest, we have really been hustling. We want our house to be pretty much set by the time we start residency - CR starts next week, and I start the week after, so we want to have a livable house by that time. We're getting there!

Thank you for all of your helpful suggestions on my post about our downstairs - I'm just patiently waiting for our dining room table and couch to come (...any week now...). I am still looking for the right dining room chairs - I've decided that even with a cat, we will probably go with upholstered chairs, something like these ones from Wayfair, that can easily be vacuumed off when we have guests. Still looking for a rug and coffee table as well...among other things.

But today we're talking about our bedroom!

So this is basically what it looked like before - a pretty typical 11 x 14 foot room. It has as small closet to the right of this picture that we had already decided was going to be CR's closet (as my office has a closet). Like the rest of the house, we painted it a light grey color, painted the trim white, retouched the ceiling, and replaced all of the outlets with white ones. We also removed that super dated boob light (any one else call them that?!) with an awesome black ceiling fan (our cat is obsessed with it!). Since we both will be working nights during residency, we are putting in black out blinds in the windows...and then probably getting some kind of curtain (...still tbd). This is the after:
As far as actual things in the room...

We have a queen sized bed, and have this dark grey headboard from Overstock - we've had it for two years now, and it looks brand new, so highly recommend if you are looking for something new! Our one set of older bedding has definitely seen better days (cat claws and non-textured fabric are just not a good combo) so it has been donated. I just ordered this beautiful duvet from Pottery Barn as our other duvet (they just had a great bedding sale, so keep an eye out for code if you are interested!). We still have our older night stands from Ikea and our bedside lamps (that I spray painted black to match the rest of the hardware in the house). CR's dresser is actually the first piece of furniture his parents bought when they got married, and so we have repainted it the same white as the trim, and made the drawers a dark navy. We used the old cupboard pulls that we replaced in the kitchen as the new knobs - saves us a bit of money for something you can't really see anyway! I love that the dresser has such a great story behind it (it used to be CR's changing table too), and I can't wait for it to eventually be a changing table for the next little one in the family. In a house with so much "new", it's nice to have some history too. 

Under the bed we put a rug (you can see the concept in the top picture - that outside square is the rug, not the bed). I was debating between something darker, like a really dark navy rug, or something with a bit more lighter colors in it. We decided on the lighter rug in the end because it was a bit more modern and brighten up the room. I can't wait to show you what it looks like! 

I would also like to add a chic mini symmetrical gallery wall above the bed - I was thinking something like these sleek black frames from Framebridge with some pictures from our past years together...and maybe a space or two for wedding pictures ;) I think it would be the perfect finishing touch. 

Other than that, we have a whole corner and mini wall to by the door to come up with something for - mini table for CR's things? Corner bookshelf? Giant plant? Any suggestions are welcome!