I went with the Madison Infinity scarf in butterscotch - it is so soft and I love that it's a little bit of home. The butterscotch color is a great addition to my closet since I own very little yellow, but I love the way it works with my favorite chambray shirt and leopard flats (that are currently 30% off!).
Interested in one of these beautiful scarves for yourself? You can enter the giveaway below (US residents only please), or you can use the code FRANISH15 to get 15% off an order (good through April 15th). 

Scarf: c/o Midwestern Comfort [exact]
Chambray: J.Crew [exact]
Pants: The Limited [exact]
Shoes: Madewell [exact on sale]
Belt: Gap [very similar]
Nails: Essie [exact]
Ring: c/o Rocksbox [use code franishxoxo for 1 month free!]