Well, a few days after I that, we left for Philadelphia to take our board exam, and while we were there, a friend went through some personal things and needed a place to stay, so we offered her our "spare" bedroom, which is really just a tiny room that only fits a bed, and it's also the room that has the closet with my clothes in. So when we returned from Philly that Sunday, I had 45 minutes to both clean up the room enough for our friend to stay in, and for me to pack to move away for a month. So I did what any adult would do, and stuffed everything, including the Loft bag with that dress in it, under the bed. And then I promptly forgot about it.
Well, last week when I started do a bit of cleaning, I found that bag again, with the dress in it, along with a receipt saying that the return by day had passed. So since I could no longer return the dress, I just made it work for me! I took out the elastic waist band, cut off the mini sleeves, and sewed a pleat in the back to bring the fabric together. And you know what? I really really like the dress now - it still has all the parts I loved about it without the things I didn't like. Now it's just a pretty summer dress, customized to me ;)
Dress: Loft [similar below]
Belt: Gap [similar]
Shoes: Jack Rogers [exact]
My little DIY dress is obviously no longer available, so below are four options that are (and they're all under $100)! And while I was looking for white dresses, I ran across this beautiful wrap dress from June & Hudson - I have literally no where to wear this, but isn't it so darn pretty?