Saturday, January 14, 2017

healthyish, vol. 3

This week was definitely more about setting myself up to not fail rather than really actively sticking to my diet. I was traveling Tuesday - Friday, between going to my interview which always includes a dinner and lunch, and driving to Chicago to spend a few days there with my sister. I packed a big lunch box full of snacks for the first two drives - carrots & hummus, turkey roll ups with laughing cow cheese, hippeas, and a banana. At the interview dinner I only had a few bites of the appetizers, ordered the salmon with vegetables, and had one third of the dessert (I couldn't be the only one who didn't order a dessert!). In Chicago, it was definitely a balance between enjoying the great food and trying to make healthier choices. I tried the new egg bites from Starbucks as a protein snack before my first SoulCycle class - they definitely have an interesting texture! My sister and I went to a German restuarant for dinner, and I ordered the salmon and potato pancakes, so not exactly the healthiest! I also went to dinner with Liz, and had a pizza, which was amazing. On my way out of town, I stopped at Left Coast since it was near where I went to SoulCycle, and got some amazing avocado toast for brunch and a smoothie for a snack later on in the drive. So like I said, I knew that these four days of traveling would make it difficult to really stick to the way I eat at home, but I think I found a good balance of enjoying the food while not over eating.


Sunday: 45 minutes on the stair climber (150 flights of stairs!)
Monday: 60 minutes of spin class (22 miles)
Tuesday: I was supposed to go to spin but the instructor didn't show!! >:(
Thursday: SoulCycle + 15k steps exploring Chicago
Friday: SoulCycle with Hallie :)


Last week's goals: Pack enough snacks for my road trip to my interview and home so I don't get tempted by drive throughs, hit 23 miles at spin again on Monday, and actually try to track 100 ounces of water/day. 
        - No drive throughs!  I'm actually very proud of this one (I think telling you guys this made me actually stick to it!)
        - Spin on Monday was more about climbs than sprints, so I hit 22 miles. So close!
        - This did not happen. With 5-6 hours of driving most days, I would have had to stop every hour to pee!

This week's goals:
       - Go to four spin classes 
       - Try out a new exercise class with my friend (we want to try kickboxing!)
       - Stay away from the scale until next Friday


We aren't having our normal cheat meals today because of the above mentioned pizza and desserts and so on that I already enjoyed. So for the next week, definitely excited to be home and find a few new things to cook at home. I did buy a few new work out clothes from Old Navy though, so those are my treat for the week! I got a new pair of my favorite type of work out pants, a new sports bra, a cute little tank top, and a zip up for the cold treks to the gym. 

weigh in:

I didn't weigh myself today! Between the not great diet and bloating during this time of the month, I know that seeing a number I'm not excited about will just kind of throw me off. I'd rather continue to work hard for the next six days, and see where I'm at in a week! I guess it's also about not living and dying by the scale - I know that I ate pretty healthy this week, got a lot of exercise, but also enjoyed my time with friends and family, so that's more important than what the scale shows!